Results for 'César H. Belaúnde'

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  1.  10
    Stretching the Imagination: Representation and Transformation in Mental Imagery.Cesare Cornoldi, Robert H. Logie, Maria A. Brandimonte, Geir Kaufmann & Daniel Reisberg - 1996 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Recent studies have pointed to the existence of a strong relationship between memory and mental representation, while others have shown that images are open to reinterpretation and manipulation; this volume offers a historical overview of the problem as well as a review of the research in psychology and related fields.
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    Las ideas filosóficas en San Juan.César H. Guerrero - 1982 - San Juan, Argentina: Ediciones Agon.
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    Exploring wavelet transforms for morphological differentiation between functionally different cat retinal ganglion cells.H. F. Jelinek, R. M. Cesar & J. J. G. Leandro - 2003 - Brain and Mind 4 (1):67-90.
    Cognition or higher brain activity is sometimes seen as a phenomenon greater than the sum of its parts. This viewpoint however is largely dependent on the state of the art of experimental techniques that endeavor to characterize morphology and its association to function. Retinal ganglion cells are readily accessible for this work and we discuss recent advances in computational techniques in identifying novel parameters that describe structural attributes possibly associated with specific function. These parameters are based on calculating wavelet gradients (...)
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    No title available.Silveira Lauro F. B. Da, M. Figueiredo Rosana, C. Gonçalves Carlos H. De & Silva Juliano César da - 1995 - Trans/Form/Ação 18:157-169.
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    Mais que e para-além do racismo: meditações teóricas e políticas sobre antinegritude.Moon-Kie Jung, João H. Costa Vargas & Cesar Sobrinho - 2023 - Odeere 8 (1):59-83.
    Este artigo tece considerações sobre antinegritude e a distingue do racismo, expondo a falsa universalidade do Social e do Humano: o racismo ocorre no Social entre os Humanos, enquanto a antinegritude continuamente expulsa os negros e a negritude dessas categorias modernas fundamentais cujas definições derivam da expulsão violenta. Para delinear a discussão, o artigo analisa dois textos paradigmáticos que se esforçam para lidar intransigentemente com a antinegritude, mas através da linguagem do racismo: George Yancey, Who Is White? e "The Combahee (...)
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    Machenschaft, vivencias y temporalidad. Historia, aceleración y crítica de la Modernidad en Heidegger (1936-1944).César Gómez Algarra - 2022 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 19:65-85.
    Los convulsos acontecimientos de estos últimos años han demostrado, a escala global, cuán enajenante es nuestra experiencia presente del tiempo. Las tendencias actuales de la teoría crítica y otros enfoques histórico-sociológicos insisten en el ritmo devorador de la aceleración (P. Virilio; H. Rosa) y en la reconfiguración temporal a partir del “presentismo” (Koselleck; F. Hartog). Sin embargo, sabemos que estas cuestiones distan de ser absolutamente nuevas, y que ya preocupaban a los filósofos y a los fenomenólogos en la primera mitad (...)
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  7. Donatella di Cesare, Gadamer. Ein philosophisches Porträt, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2009.H. W. Sneller - 2010 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 2:389.
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    Poor widow as an outcasted archetype. Biblical-literary analysis.César Carbullanca Núñez & María de los Andes Valenzuela Corales - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 38:141-162.
    Resumen La literatura universal, se encuentra poblada de arquetípicos que comparten una condición de desamparo y marginalidad, siendo la literatura realista de la segunda mitad del siglo XIX la que constata y da cuenta de su condición. En un mismo sentido, también la Biblia presenta un sinnúmero de personajes similares, marcando un punto de inflexión al llamarlo bienaventurados. Así pues, el presente estudio bíblico-literario, se centra en el arquetipo de la “viuda pobre”, sosteniendo dicha ficción literaria es una clave interpretativa (...)
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    O Simbólico e Poder de Soberania No Renascimento.Nilton César Arthur - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (31).
    Este artigo tem o propósito de destacar uma configuração simbólica do período renascentista e suas correspondentes práticas históricas. Investigaremos a marcas do mundo e o uso de símbolos no estabelecimento de vínculos humanos. A abordagem se conduzirá pela ordem das Similitudes, mediada pela leitura de Michel Foucault, trazendo ainda contribuições de Ernst H. Kantorowicz, com o estudo de Os Dois Corpos do Rei. Apresentaremos, em um contexto territorial, o cenário de um sistema político denominado macrofísica da soberania. Além de uma (...)
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    Eros and Psyche: Some Versions of Romantic Love and Delicacy.Jean H. Hagstrum - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (3):521-542.
    The millennial interest in the fable told by Apuleius in The Golden Ass has produced periods of intense preoccupation. Of these uses of the legend none is more interesting, varied, and profound—none possesses greater implications for contemporary life and manners—than the obsessive concern of pre-Romantic and Romantic writers and artists. Hellenistic, Roman, and early Christian culture had produced at least twenty surviving statues of Psyche alone, some seven Christian sarcophagi that used the legend, and a set of mosaics on a (...)
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    L' Empereur Julien. Œuvres Complètes. Tome I—I re Partie. Discours de Julien César. Texte établi et traduit parJ. Bidez. Pp. xxx + 237. (Collection des Universités de France.) Paris: ‘Les Belles Lettres,’ 1932. Paper, 40 francs. [REVIEW]W. H. Shewring - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (06):276-.
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    Metamorphoses and metamorphosis: A brief response.David H. Porter - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (3):473-476.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.3 (2003) 473-476 [Access article in PDF] Metamorphoses and Metamorphosis:A Brief Response David H. Porter Like Joseph Farrell, I found much to admire in Mary Zimmerman's Metamorphoses, 1 but I nonetheless left the theater disappointed. Given all that the play—and this production—had to offer, what was it that I looked for but did not find? Excerpts from the foreword to Cesare Pavese's Dialogues with Leucò (...)
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    De Jubainville's Gaulish Names in Caesar's de Bello Gallico- Les Noms Gaulois chez César et Hirtius De Bello Gallico par H. d'Arbois de Jubainville, Membre de l'Institut, avec la collaboration de M. E. Ernault et G. Dottin. Première Série, les composés dont rix est le dernier terme. [REVIEW]John Rhys - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (4):165-167.
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    Práticas educativas maternas e a interação entre mães e crianças com problemas de externalização.Patrícia Alvarenga & Cesar Piccinini - 2003 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 17:7-20.
    O presente estudo investigou diferenças entre as práticas educativas de mães de crianças com problemas de externalização (grupo clínico) e de mães de crianças sem problemas de externalização (grupo não-clínico). Participaram do estudo 30 díades mãe-criança, de nível sócio-econômico baixo e médio-bai..
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    Assertions.Julio César Díaz - 2006 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:167-170.
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    A condição polissêmica da cognição judicial.Júlio César D’Oliveira - 2021 - Cognitio 21 (2):260-272.
    O ‘rito de ofício’ a ser aplicado pelos julgadores possui propriedades eficazes para prevenir soluções alheias à realidade dos casos apresentados nos tribunais, afastando eventuais derrames imaginativos aos quais todos estamos sujeitos. Some-se a isso que a virtude da temperança é vertiginosamente deixada de lado e sem ela a Justiça não se realizará jamais. Estes alertas apontam para o cuidado que se deve ter durante a análise dos casos, banindo as vertentes de significações alienadas que corrompem a convicção do interpretante. (...)
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  17. Responsabilidad profesional en la medicina alternativa y complementaria.Julio César Galan Cortes - 2003 - Humanitas 1 (2):157-162.
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    La figura del litisconsorcio activa en los juicios laborales.Julio César Álvarez - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (1):66-80.
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  19. Aplicación de los componentes de la técnica de los mapas mentales en la elaboración de los proyectos pedagógicos de aula.Rosario Romero Parra & César Montoya - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 10 (1):65-80.
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  20. Is affirmative action racist? Reflections toward a theory of institutional racism.César Cabezas - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (2):218-235.
    I defend impact-based accounts of institutional racism against the criticism that they are over-inclusive. If having a negative impact on non-whites suffices to make an institution racist, too many institutions (including institutions whose affirmative action policies inadvertently harm its intended beneficiaries) would count as racist. To address this challenge, I consider a further necessary condition for these institutions to count as racist—they must stand in a particular relation to racist ideology. I argue that, on the impact-based model, institutions are racist (...)
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    Durūs fī al-ḥikmah al-mutaʻālīyah: sharḥ kitāb Bidāyat al-ḥikmah.Kamāl Ḥaydarī - 2007 - Qum, Īrān: Dār Farāqid. Edited by Ṭalāl Ḥasan.
  22. Hawes, C. H. and H. B.: Crete, the Forerunner of Greece.H. L. Smith - 1910 - Classical Weekly 4:166.
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  23. Racism: a Moral or Explanatory Concept?César Cabezas - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (3):651-659.
    This paper argues that racism should not only be conceived as a moral concept whose main aim is to condemn severe wrongs in the domain of race. The paper advances a complementary interpretation of racism as an explanatory concept--one that plays a key role in explaining race-based social problems afflicting members of subordinate racialized groups. As an explanatory concept, the term 'racism' is used to diagnose and highlight the causes of race-related social problems. The project of diagnosing race-based social problems (...)
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  24.  27
    The Logos Categorical Approach to Quantum Mechanics: I. Kochen-Specker Contextuality and Global Intensive Valuations.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - unknown
    In this paper we present a new categorical approach which attempts to provide an original understanding of QM. Our logos categorical approach attempts to consider the main features of the quantum formalism as the standpoint to develop a conceptual representation that explains what the theory is really talking about —rather than as problems that need to be bypassed in order to allow a restoration of a classical “common sense” understanding of what there is. In particular, we discuss a solution to (...)
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    Una suerte de calma hechizada. Praxis de extrañamiento y trascendencia poética (Paseando por el Rastro con Gómez de la Serna).César Moreno-Márquez - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 21 (3).
    El presente artículo se propone indagar en la praxis de extrañamiento que lleva acabo Gómez de la Serna en El Rastro (1914), praxis que será esencial de cara a comprender uno de los vectores fundamentales de la (ulterior) objetología surrealista. Dicha praxis comprende al menos ocho prácticas o posibilidades de deshacer que afectan al Límite (que discrimina y jerarquiza), al Futuro (ingenuo y dictatorial), a la familiaridad hogareña burguesa (que encarcela y amodorra), a la funcionalidad utilitaria (que banaliza), a la (...)
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    Mitochondrial replacement techniques: egg donation, genealogy and eugenics.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Monash Bioethics Review 34 (1):37-51.
    Several objections against the morality of researching or employing mitochondrial replacement techniques have been advanced recently. In this paper, I examine three of these objections and show that they are found wanting. First I examine whether mitochondrial replacement techniques, research and clinical practice, should not be carried out because of possible harms to egg donors. Next I assess whether mitochondrial replacement techniques should be banned because they could affect the study of genealogical ancestry. Finally, I examine the claim that mitochondrial (...)
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  27. Analítica del Recurso de Método.Gerardo César Hurtado - 1979 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45:57-64.
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    H.P. Wolmarans en die Kultuurstrewe van die Afrikaner.C. H. Rautenbach - 1959 - HTS Theological Studies 15 (2/3/4).
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  29. Nefesh ha-ḥayim.Ḥayyim ben Isaac Volozhiner - 1954 - [Bene Berak,:
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    Exploring the Link Between Human Rights, the Capability Approach and Corporate Responsibility.César González-Cantón, Sonia Boulos & Pablo Sánchez-Garrido - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):865-879.
    The capability approach is gaining momentum as a theory of corporate responsibility and business ethics at a time when the UN Guiding Principles have become a most important framework. A novel approach is now emerging that seeks to understand and specify human rights obligations of businesses within the framework provided by the capability approach. This article partially examines the triad corporate responsibility–human rights–capability approach by exploring the relationship between human rights and capabilities. Thus, it offers conceptual and practical implications for (...)
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    Nachweis aus Jacob Bernays, Heraklitische Studien, in: Rheinisches Museum 7.César Guarde-Paz - 2012 - Nietzsche Studien 41 (1):356-356.
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  32. The Modern Idea of the State Authorized Translation with an Introd. By George H. Sabine and Walter J. Shepard.H. Krabbe - 1922 - D. Appleton and Company.
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  33. Direitos humanos e dignidade política da cidadania em Hannah Arendt.Iara Lucia Mellegari & Cesar Augusto Ramos - 2011 - Princípios 18 (29):149-178.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O presente artigo tem por objetivo abordar o tema dos direitos humanos e cidadania sob a perspectiva da filosofia política de Hannah Arendt. O artigo retrata, em sua primeira parte, a ilusáo fundacionista dos direitos humanos ante a situaçáo dos apátridas e refugiados, situaçáo que leva a autora a formular o conceito de cidadania como o direito a ter direitos . Na sequência, analisa os elementos que configuram sua teoria política, tais como: liberdade, (...)
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    Sartre y Foucault: a propósito del humanismo.César Augusto Ramírez Giraldo & Enán Arrieta Burgos - 2021 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (290 Extra):635-655.
    En este artículo se analiza el humanismo de Jean-Paul Sartre y el antihumanismo de Michel Foucault, para abordar, así, la discusión sostenida entre estos dos pensadores. Foucault critica a Sartre por construir su filosofía a partir del concepto de hombre. Sartre reprocha a Foucault su escasa originalidad y el descuido de la historia. Trataremos de mostrar los sesgos que alimentan las posiciones foucaultianas y sartrianas. Mientras que Foucault realiza una lectura apresurada del humanismo sartriano, ubicándolo en la episteme moderna; Sartre (...)
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    (1 other version)The concept of political action in the thought of Hannah Arendt. [Spanish].Julio César Vargas Bejarano - 2009 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 11:82-107.
    La teoría de Arendt sobre el concepto de acción es compleja, debido a que ella lo aborda desde diversas perspectivas, sin llegar a clarificar plenamente los contornos que definen este concepto central. Esta constatación permite plantear la hipótesis de que en Arendt hay diversas teorías de la acción; en primer lugar, la acción se presenta como una actividad meramente política, pero también puede haber acción violenta y por eso mismo tener efectos negativos sobre la política, y, en sentido amplio, la (...)
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    Against the Tyranny of ‘Pure States’ in Quantum Theory.Christian de Ronde & Cesar Massri - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):27-41.
    We argue that the notion of pure sate within Standard Quantum Mechanics is presently applied within the specialized literature in relation to two mutually inconsistent definitions. While the first provides a basis-dependent definition which makes reference to the certain prediction of measurement outcomes, the latter provides a purely abstract invariant definition which lacks operational content. In this work we derive a theorem which exposes the serious inconsistencies existent within these two incompatible definitions of purity.
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  37. The Goals and Rights of Humankind in the Work of J. H. Abicht on Nature Law.H. Klemme - 2005 - Problemos 68:159-166.
    Straipsnyje aptariamos vokieèiø filosofo J. H. Abichto , Kanto sekëjo, dirbusio Vilniaus universitete, pagrindinio veikalo „Neues System eines aus der Menschheit entwickelten Naturrechts“ idëjos.Reikðminiai þodþiai: J. H. Abichtas, Kantas, Chr. Wolffas, asmuo, teisë.
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    Matn-i kāmil-i ʻArabī Fārsī-i Rashaḥāt al-biḥār: bih hamrāh-i fatāvā, ijāzāt va ʻaksʹhā.Muḥammad ʻAlī Shāhʹābādī - 2009 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Farāhānī.
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    Sweet Tension and its Phenomenological Description: Sport, Intersubjectivity and Horizon.Douglas W. McLaughlin & Cesar R. Torres - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (3):270 - 284.
    In this paper, we argue that a rich phenomenological description of ?sweet tension? is an important step to understanding how and why sport is a meaningful human endeavour. We introduce the phenomenological concepts of intersubjectivity and horizon and elaborate how they inform the study and understanding of human experience. In the process, we establish that intersubjectivity is always embodied, developing and ethically committed. Likewise, we establish that our horizons are experienced from an embodied, developing and ethically committed perspective that serves (...)
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  40. Falsafat ḥawḍ al-Baḥr al-Mutawassiṭ wa-al-iltizām al-Lubnānī: fī muʼallafāt al-Duktūr René Habachi.Yūḥannā Salīm Saʻādah - 1993 - al-Kaslīk, Lebanon: Jāmiʻat al-Rūḥ al-Qudus. Edited by René Habachi.
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  41. Sefer Ḥokhmat Ḥayim: śiḥot musar ṿe-darkhe ḥayim.Ḥayim Shemuʼelevits - 2013 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Shulḥan melakhim". Edited by Shemuʼel ben Gad Ṭrubits.
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  42. 3 historische theologie-h. De lubac/j. Bastaire, claudel et peguy, isbn 978-2-204-08558-8.H. J. Sieben - 2009 - Theologie Und Philosophie 84 (3):454.
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  43. Episodic Memory, the Cotemporality Problem, and Common Sense.César Schirmer dos Santos - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (2):253-273.
    Direct realists about episodic memory claim that a rememberer has direct contact with a past event. However, how is it possible to be acquainted with an event that ceased to exist? That is the so-called cotemporality problem. The standard solution, proposed by Sven Bernecker, is to distinguish between the occurrence of an event and the existence of an event: an event ceases to occur without ceasing to exist. That is the eternalist solution for the cotemporality problem. Nevertheless, some philosophers of (...)
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    Against Collapses, Purity and Separability Within the Definition of Quantum Entanglement.Christian de Ronde & Massri Cesar - unknown
    In this paper we we will argue against the orthodox definition of quantum entanglement which has been implicitly grounded on several widespread presuppositions which have no relation whatsoever to the formalism of QM. We will show how these presuppositions have been introduced through a naive interpretation of the quantum mathematical structure which assumes dogmatically that the theory talks about "small particles" represented by pure states which suddenly "collapse" when a measurement takes place. In the second part of this paper we (...)
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    Martirio y arrebato en la apocalíptica judía: Una propuesta de estética teológico-bíblica.César Carbullanca N. - 2013 - Teología y Vida 54 (3):411-439.
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    Renderings.Julio César Díaz - 2010 - International Studies in Philosophy Monograph Series:27-31.
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    La amistad como una experiencia de encuentro con los otros.César Augusto Delgado Lombana - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (66):171-192.
    This article aims to thematize the experience of isolation that, for Gadamer, characterizes the way of inhabiting the lifeworld which is determined by technification. We maintain that friendship can face isolation affecting our historical situation. To develop this argument the article is divided into two parts: In the first one, we describe the areas where the condition of isolation and self-alienation is made manifest. In the second, we make clear that the experience of friendship allows us to cope with the (...)
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    Butler's Propertius- Propertius, with an English Translation. By H. E. Butler. Loeb Series. Heinemann.H. W. Garrod - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (05):175-.
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    Islom va Abūḣanifa.M. Ḣazratqulov - 2009 - Dushanbe: Donish.
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  50. Sefer Ḳiryat ḥanah.Elḥanan ben Betsalʼel Uri Lipman Ḥefets - 1611 - [Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Aḥim Goldenberg. Edited by Joseph ben Elijah Katz.
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